Padma Meditation Courses

Retreat in India 2025: early bird deposit


September 14 to 28, 2025
Join us for 2 glorious weeks in the Himalayas of India. This will be a small group of about 20 people, in a meditation and yoga immersion. Join this very special experience filled with Yogic and Buddhist meditations, hatha yoga, philosophy, Sanskrit chanting and incredible hikes in North India.

Pay your Deposit here today for early bird pricing and Save your Spot in this epic journey!
Deposit $1000 CAD is due by January 1, 2025
Balance $4895 CAD is due by May 1, 2025. You’ll pay Balance HERE


September 14 to 28, 2025
For 2 weeks, a small group of fabulous yogis will experience a meditation immersion in the Himalayas of India with Padma. This will be a very special experience filled with Yogic and Buddhist meditations, hatha yoga, philosophy, Sanskrit chanting and gorgeous hikes in the mountains of North West India.
Everyone welcome.
$1000 Deposit Reserves your place in this incredible experience.
Save your place with the Early Bird Deposit by January 1, 2025.
Email Padma for more information.

Watch video testimonials from previous participants Here and Here.

Taking you into her beloved  Himalayas, Padma will share her life's work with you: deep knowledge of Meditation, Yoga, Satsang, and years of experience living this Wisdom.  We will hike through mountain villages of the exotic Valley of the Gods, and be guided in daily morning classes of meditation, yoga and deep knowledge.

This trip offers a rare combination of Himalayan Yoga wisdom traditions and practices. Explore the life of a Yogi with daily yoga and meditation classes. Dive deep into your practice in the very mountains where these traditions originated. These practices will open you up to your most joyful self.

In preparation, you can choose to complete any of Padma's online courses before September 2025, to be fully prepared to maximize your understanding and depth of practice. However, this is not a requirement to join the retreat.
*SPECIAL OFFER: If you have previously taken one of Padma's Video Courses, then you can apply that tuition as credit towards this Retreat! Email us to arrange that refund.

Meditate with two meditation masters, Padma and  Aakaash. Learn ancient Himalayan wisdom from two great yogis!

An enlightened educator and one of Canada’s most respected and popular teachers of meditation, yoga and self-realization. Having studied with a meditation master in the Himalayas since the 1980’s, for the last 25 years she has been guiding people towards finding their own freedom, inner power, peace and enlightenment. Padma’s teaching style is free, joyful and insightful in the tradition of a Himalayan meditation master.

Highly trained in Tibetan Buddhist for 25 years, plus 18 years living with a realized master in the Himalayas, Aakaash has a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to share. As one of the foremost teachers of Vipasana meditation in Europe, he developed training programs and taught classes for years. Aakaash will join us to present his special bonus classes on Tibetan Buddhism philosophy and practices. He is also a film-maker and his beautiful documentary films are available on



You arrive in Delhi and are picked up by taxi at the airport and transferred to a lovely 4-star hotel in Delhi.
Check in to your room.
Explore about on your own, rest up.

An expert english-speaking guide will take you around in Delhi, exploring markets, temples, mosques and historic sites.

Picked up and transferred to Domestic flight
Fly from Delhi to Kullu
Picked up and driven 1 hour to Naggar Village to the Naggar Delights Hotel.
Welcome to the Himalayas celebration!
2pm Afternoons free for settling in
4:30pm Afternoon yoga
6pm Welcome supper
7:30pm Evening Mantra and Meditation

SEPTEMBER 17 to 27
7 – 8:30am Morning Yoga and Meditation
9am Breakfast
10 – 12 Meditation and Studies
1pm Lunch
2pm Afternoons free or a Special Group Outings. Afternoon walks, visits to various villages, hillsides and temples.
4:30pm Afternoon yoga will be on days when there is no outing.
6pm Supper where and as you like. 3 Suppers are included at Naggar Delights.
7:30pm Evening Mantra and Meditation

Travel Day.
We’ll assist you if you have other travel ideas or plans. From Naggar, you can travel west to Dharmsala where the Dalai Lama lives. You might want to stay in Kullu Valley to experience the Dushera Festival that will happen in the first week of October, 2025.

NEW ADD-ON: Aakaash is offering to take a small group on a rare trip for about 6 days, September 28 to October 4, to explore farther north into “Little Tibet”. You’ll go by taxi into Spiti Valley and to the District of Lahaul, where you’ll be at ancient Tibetan Buddhist temples and experience the high north! See Tabo Monastery and be with local Tibetan people. Learn about traditional Himalayan Buddhism. This is a one-time-only trip to see these exquisite, exotic valleys and temples. Meet with Head Abbots and meditate in ancient magic. Travel with a guide who deeply knows this area, the people and buddhist meditation.
This is a special, additional Add-On. Detail and pricing are coming soon. Email Padma if you’re interested in this amazing extra trip.


• ALL Private Single rooms with balcony and view!
• Welcome Package, including a special meditation Mala
• Daily Yoga Classes with Padma
• Daily Wisdom Talks and Meditations with Padma
• Private Sessions as by appointment
• 13 breakfasts and 13 lunches
Daily Hosting, Guiding and Companionship with both Padma and Aakaash throughout the trip
• Learning sacred Sanskrit Chants appropriate to the various locations and religions
• Any cultural events scheduled for the group
• Pick up at Delhi International Airport and taxi transfer to Delhi Hotel. 2 nights in Delhi.
Taxi to Domestic airport to fly to Kullu. Pick up at Kullu airport and taxi to Naggar.
• Tips for Guides and Taxi drivers
• 18% GST for hotels
• Visit to Tibetan Buddhist Temples
• Walks around Naggar Village, Jana Village, Krishna Temple
• Walk to Forest Hikes, Vashisht Waterfalls
• to Manali (Visit the Hadimba Devi Temple)
• Taxi back to Kullu Airport


• International flights
• Travel Insurance
• Domestic flight from Delhi to Kullu, or return to Delhi (we’ll help you book)
• Flights or Taxis back to Delhi or Chandighar from Kullu (although we will help you arrange all these transports)
• Spa treatments
• Alcoholic beverages
• Room service/extra snacks/extra meals outside of the resorts
• Laundering service at the retreat venues
• Service tips at hotels or restaurants
• Museum or gallery entrance fee
• Meals not specified: Suppers will be separately and individually paid
• Cost to obtain valid passport, Indian Tourist Visa
• Cancellation, Flight or Medical Insurance
• Any items of a personal nature such as laundry, drinks and telephone calls
• Any item that is not specifically detailed or in the final retreat itinerary


• Pay your deposit by January 1, 2025 to save your place at Early Bird price
• Get a valid Passport that is valid until well after the trip dates
• Get a valid Indian Visa in time that is valid until November 2025 at least (Get started on this by the summer of 2025)
• Join the open Zoom Q&A Meeting in November with Padma.

Once you pay the Balance for the India Retreat, we’ll send you a Welcome package with: Information about Travel, What to Bring, Purchasing Flights, How to get your Visa, Medical Questionnaire (for your safety), and Waiver.

• A non-refundable Deposit of $1000 CAD is due by January 1, 2025 to hold your early bird place in this trip
• Early Bird Balance must be fully paid by May 1, 2025
• 50% of Balance is Refundable by May 1, 2025

Since this is a trip to a mountainous region, we require you to fill out and sign a Medical Questionnaire, for your safety. Thank you.

Q: When and where is the Meditation Retreat?
A: The next scheduled retreat is September 14-28, 2025, to be held in Kullu Valley, The Valley of the Gods, in the western Himalayas of India! We’ll spend 2 weeks in North-west India. You’ll first spend 2 nights in New Delhi, with a sight-seeing guide, and then 12 nights in the Himalayas with Padma for the meditation retreat.
In the Himalayas, there will be additional wonderful daily outings, hikes and cultural activities every day. You’ll also have up to 6 hours teachings every day with Padma.

Q: Will the Retreat be a big group?
A. No, there’ll be not more than 20 persons in the retreat to India, so you’ll get loads of personal time for your own interactions and questions with Padma and Aakaash.

Q: Do I get a private room
A: Everyone will have a lovely single private room with a Balcony with a View looking out on small villages and mountains of the Himalayas! This is included in the price.

Q: What if I want to share a room with someone?
A: You can certainly share a room. Please email Padma for that arrangement and the discount price.

Q: Is Padma teaching the classes in the retreat in India?
A. Yes. And Padma will be joined by Aakaash, who is an expert in Buddhist practice and philosophy. He will offer bonus classes on Buddhism to enrich the whole program.

Q: Will there be Yoga classes in the Retreat as well?
A. Yes! Padma will offer her special Padma Yoga classes every day. These include Hatha yoga exercise, breath work, mantra, mudras and meditation.

Q: What will I learn in the study classes?
A: The 12-day Retreat Live Classes contents will:
Deepen your personal practice
Perfect your Meditation skills
Study of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Study of the Bhagavad Gita
Learn Sanskrit Mantras
Learn about Tibetan Buddhism
Pranayam Breathwork
The art of applying this wisdom in daily life
Face Challenges with skill in daily life
Guru Wisdom of Self-Realization