Sanskrit Chants
I hope you enjoy these Sanskrit chants recorded by me and my friends in the Himalayas of India. Learn traditional yogic songs and Mantras,
as well as Verses from the Gita and the Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
WORDS OF APPRECIATION: In listening to these verses I am captivated by the vocals and the musical arrangements… the flute, bells, softly-strummed guitar; all help create an image of a peaceful bubble. Stunningly brilliant and beautifully done. What a treasure to have these recordings to meditate upon! They give such a sense of peace and contentment and truly help to regulate the ups and downs of this pandemic life.

Perfection Mantra. GAYATRI MANTRA

Mantra of Perfection OM PURNAM ADAHA

Prayer for Truth. OM ASATO MA SAT GAMAYA

Himalayan song to Lord Rama. RAMA RAMA


Healing Mantra. AHAM AROGYAM

Song for bliss and peace. NIRVAN ASHTAKAM

Traditional song to Lord Vishnu. VISHNU MANTRA

Chant of Oneness with Shiv. SHIVO HUM

Song of bliss and freedom. MADHUR ASHTAKAM

Verses from Patanjali Yoga Sutra: 1/1 to 4. Now begins the Description of Yoga. AATHA YOG ANUSHASANAM

Verse from Patanjali Yoga Sutras: 1/33. Friendliness, Compassion, Joy and Neutrality. MAITREE KARUNA

Verse from Bhagavad Gita: 2/45. TRI GUNYA VISHAYA VEDA

Verse from Bhagavad Gita: 1/23. NAINAM CHINDANTI SHASTRARNI
The mission of Padma Meditation is to offer education and skills for finding personal freedom, and to support living in peace, health and happiness.